You are in:Home/Publications/ Effect of VA-Mycorrhizal fungi inocula produced in vitro on some maize fungal diseases and growth parameters under greenhouse conditions. Eleventh Congress of Phytopathology, Giza, Egypt, pp. 351-365

Dr. Mohamad Al-Sayed Hafez Saleem :: Publications:

Effect of VA-Mycorrhizal fungi inocula produced in vitro on some maize fungal diseases and growth parameters under greenhouse conditions. Eleventh Congress of Phytopathology, Giza, Egypt, pp. 351-365
Authors: Abd El-Monem I. El-Fiki, G.M.D. El-Habaa, M.A. Hafez and K.E. Eid
Year: 2007
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohamad Al-Sayed Hafez Saleem_PAPER_08.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Percentages of survived maize seedlings, shoot and root length, stem diameter, number of leaves/plant, fresh and dry weight/plant and total chlorophyll were significantly decreased by the pathogenic fungi tested (C. maydis, R. solani and F. monilliforme) compared to their respective control treatment. All these parameters were significantly increased in presence of tested 4 VAM isolates particularly VAM-O and VAM-S compared to their respective controls. The interaction between a known pathogen and a particular VAM isolate had no significant effect on survival of maize plants and stem diameter, but all interactions improved both parameters when compared to any pathogen alone. However, all other determined parameters were significantly improved by the VAM/pathogen interaction compared to the pathogen alone. The VAM/pathogen interaction involved VAM-B or VAM-S showed the best responses for most if not all determined parameters. The soil pH was increased by the pathogenic fungi (8.02-8.45) as well as by the VAM isolates (8.54-8.74) when each organism was used alone in comparison with the general control (7.86). Such trend was slightly varied when both pathogen and VAM fungi are present together. For example, soil pH value was increased by R. solani/VAM combinations (8.22-8.52) compared to R. solani alone (8.02), but it was clearly decreased when compared to VAM isolates each alone (8.54-8.74). Keywords: VAM fungi, greenhouse, maize, soil pH.

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