This study carried on 1013 chronic HCV RNA-positive naïve patients who underwent liver biopsy before treatment and metavir fibrosis (FO to F4). scores studied were API, APRI, FRT, FibroQ, FCI, Fibro-a score, MDA and Metwally. were recorded and all scores were good tests for exclusion of fibrosis but the best one was FRT with sensitivity (67.3%), high NPV (94.2%) and AUC (0.73). All non invasive markers were fair for detection of fibrosis stage (F1) and FibroQ score was the best with sensitivity (62.5%) and AUC (0.68) Advanced fibrosis (F 3) especially FibroQ score showed sensitivity of (74.9%), specificity (74.8%) and AUC (0.82). All scores were also fair tests for detection of fibrosis (F2) and (F3) and cirrhosis (fibrosis stage F4) especially FibroQ score with high sensitivity (89.8%), high specificity (92.4%), high NPV (987.6%) and AUC (0.88). FRT and FibroQ were mainly good tests both with sensitivity (70.1%) and AUC were (0.74) and (0.73), respectively.
In conclusion, all the studied scores were good tests for diagnosis of advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis especially FibroQ and FRT, but they were fair tests in detection of early stages of fibrosis. So, liver biopsy until now stills the gold standard method for discrimination of different fibrosis stages.