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Dr. Maha Raof Abdel-Haleem Mohamed Abd-Allah :: Publications:

Convex Lenses Horn Antenna Microwave Hyperthermia Scheme
Authors: Maha R. Abdel-Haleem, Tamer Abouelnaga, Sabah M. Ahmed, Mohammed Abo-Zahhad
Year: 2018
Keywords: Horn antenan, Microwve hyperthermia, Convex lens, Tumor, Specific absorption rate
Journal: 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018)
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: IET
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Maha Raof Abdel-Haleem Mohamed Abd-Allah_Convex Lenses Horn Antenna Microwave Hyperthermia Scheme.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This paper presents a new preclinical microwave hyperthermia system based on the combination among horn antenna and convex lenses. The horn antenna is designed to resonate at 3 GHz which is reported for hyperthermia therapy. Two convex lenses are designed and incorporated with the designed horn antenna and the reported breast phantom. The proposed system aims to heat up the tumor region above 42oC while keeping the surrounding area temperature unchanged as possible to protect them from damage. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) and breast phantom thermal distribution are studied with and without using lenses at different inclination angles. The proposed system has the advantage of heating up different zones separately while keeping other regions temperature unchanged. Simulation results show that, the breast temperature can be elevated by 10o C above the normal body temperature.

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