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Dr. Mahmoud Mouhamed Mohamed Hasan :: Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2013
1-• The surveying works for constructing a 170 km. railway between Tobrok (Libya) and Elsaloom (Egypt) 1991
2-• Member of Computer laboratory maintenance and development
3-• Member of Surveying laboratory maintenance and development
4-• Post Graduate Courses Development of Surveying Department
5-• Under Graduate Courses Development of Surveying Department
6-• The surveying consultancy to historic Magra AL Eyon fence reconstruction
7-• Laying out the planning of a foteen buildings court at ALkaherah ALgadidah city
8-• Leveling and Drawing the longitudinal and cross sectional area of about 100 km. roads at Alobour city
9-• Locating the airway obstructions for both Cairo and Alexandria airports
10-• 150000 Fedan at Qena
11-• The surveying works for constructing tourist resorts at Sinai
12-• Constructing a geodetic network to Egypt using traditional and GPS observations
13-• The industrial area of 800 Fedan at AL_obor city using GPS
14-• Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor and Aswan airports
15-• Surveying and making cadastral maps for
16-• 156000 Fadan for the ministry of internal affaires at the Swiss road
17-• 50,000 Fedan at the north Cost
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