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Dr. Mahmoud Abdelghaffar Emam Hussein :: Publications:

Development of the New Zealand White Rabbit Eye: I. Pre- and Postnatal Development of Eye Tunics
Authors: M. Abdo; S. Haddad; M. Emam
Year: 2017
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Anat Histol Embryol
Volume: 46
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 423-430
Publisher: Blackwell
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Mahmoud Abdelghaffar Emam Mohamed Mansour Hussein_7 ahe12284.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The New Zealand white (NZW) rabbit has been and is right now regularly utilized in ophthalmic surgery evaluation. Inside NZW rabbit eye, the visibility of ocular structures throughout surgical procedure is fantastic. Younger rabbits are used in different ages for the evaluation of ophthalmic surgery. Complete studies of ocular development in the NZW rabbits have not been reported previously. The aim of the present investigation was to describe the major landmarks and the time course of the pre- and post-natal development of the complete eye tunics of the NZW rabbit to give a superb model as well as a fruitful area for further ophthalmological investigations. Serial histological sections of NZW rabbit prenatal (E13–E28) and post-natal (P1–P14) stages were examined, respectively. The eye of the NZW rabbit developed in a similar manner to that of the human and domestic animals eyes; the principal differences were at the time of occurrence of certain developmental events, absence of pigmentation which represent an exploited benefit for ophthalmic surgery, remarkable Bowman’s membrane at E25, poor developed ciliary stroma and juvenile retinal layer until P9. In human, the basic morphogenetic processes of the development of eye tunics are completed towards the end of the first half of gestation period. However, the latter represents the beginning stage of the development of eye tunics in the rabbit. Thus, allowing various extensive ophthalmic researches to be performed.

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