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Dr. Mahmoud Mostafa El-Sayed Hussein El-Attrouny :: Publications:

Genetic and phenotypic evaluation of growth traits in selection experiment performed in synthesized Benha chickens
Authors: El-Attrouny, M M, Iraqi, M M, Khalil, M H and El-Moghazy, Gihan M
Year: 2017
Keywords: Benha synthesized chickens, selection, growth traits, genetic and phenotypic trends, correlated responses.
Journal: Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor
Volume: Vol. 51(1) (2017), 33–42
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 33–42
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mahmoud Mostafa El-Sayed Hussein EL_Attrouny_4 Mahmoud Elattrouny Full Paper 33–42.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

A selection program for four generations (base and three selected generations) was started in 2011 at Benha University, Egypt to improve growth traits in a synthetic line named Benha chickens. A total of 18 cockerels and 180 pullets were selected according to their BLUP values for egg number during 90 days of laying from Benha base population (control). Data of 4916 chicks produced by 69 sires and 484 dams were used to estimate heritabiliets, genetic and phenotypic correlations and BLUP estimates for body weight at 0 (BW0), 4 (BW4), 8 (BW8), 12 (BW12) and 16 (BW16) weeks of age along with daily gains during 0 -4 weeks (DG4), 4-8 weeks (DG8), 8-12 weeks (DG12) and 12-16 weeks (DG16). The selection effects, correlated responses and the genetic and phenotypic trends for body weights and daily gains across generations were quantified or clarified applying the updated approach of the animal model program of BLUPF90. Heritability estimates were moderate or high; being 0.52, 0.28, 0.27, 0.33 and 0.31 for BW0, BW4, BW8, BW12 and BW16, respectively. Genetic correlations for growth traits at different ages were positive and ranged from 0.64 to 0.88 among body weights, and from 0.14 to 0.65 among daily gain traits. The ranges in BLUP of most body weights and gains in the control generation were higher than those in the selected generations. Accuracies of BLUP estimates for growth traits in all generations (control and selected) were moderate or high. The three selected generations were superior (P

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