Benha University
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Attended Workshops
Workshop / Conference
Head of Banha University Delegation to the exhibition of higher education in three Nigerian States i.e. (Lagos-Abuja-KANO).
Attend a regional Conference on animal genetic resources conservation "towards sustainable use of animal genetic resources center" and the plant-Oman Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman "
Member of Benha University delegation for signing cooperation protocols between six Chinese universities from one side and Banha University from the other side, and also to attend the" Sino-Egyptian Forum to Benha University; joint research, Hauzong of Agricultural University, China.
Head of the Egyptian delegation to represent Benha University in global forum on higher education in the Middle East and North Africa - and attend the first gathering of higher education in Jordan.
Member of Benha University delegation of participating in international exhibition of higher education in Kuwait.
Participate as an invited speaker at the third Egyptian Conference of rabbit science, organized by the Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University –– animal production and held at the University - 30 October 2010.
The sixth conference for rabbits production in tropical, organized by the Egyptian Association for Rabbits Science in cooperation with the Assiut University, faculty of Agriculture, animal production department, 1-4/2010 .
The workshop entitled "Strategic thinking", organized by the DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, for the German universities graduates, Institute of Goethe, November, 2009.
The workshop on the Federation of the Egyptian university libraries, Benha University, 25-26/2009.
The workshop on the quality and accreditation program of the Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University, to discuss the characterization of the syllabuses and strategic objectives of the policies of education, scientific research and community service, Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University, June, July and August 2009.
The workshop on “The strategic planning” for the Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University, to discuss the gap between the current situation and strategic goals on the policies of education and scientific research, community service and the development of environment, Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University, March, 2009.
The workshop organized for specifying the Status of strategic planning at the Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University, Department of Animal Production, March, 2009.
The workshop organized for attending the meeting of quality and accreditation committee, to draft the characterization of the syllabuses taught during the 1st term, February, 2009.
The ninth international conference of rabbits, organized by the international Association for rabbits Science, Verona, Italy, 10-13/2008 .
The workshop organized for the training course for the (TOT), entitled "Pathways" to the higher education, within the program of development of the faculty members’ abilities, 15-19/9/2008.
The Workshop organized for attending the meeting of the committee of characterization and identifying the higher studies programs, 24/12/2008.
The fifth scientific Conference for rabbits production in tropical, organized by the Egyptian Association for Rabbit Science in cooperation with the International Center for advanced agricultural Studies in countries of the Mediterranean basin, Hurghada, Egypt, 4-7/12/2007 .
The fifth scientific Conference for rabbits production in tropical, organized by the Egyptian Association for Rabbit Science in cooperation with the International Center for advanced agricultural Studies in countries of the Mediterranean basin, Hurghada, Egypt, 4-7/12/2007 .
The workshop organized for training of trainers (TOT) in the field of the technology of display and production of educational materials, as a trainer, faculty of education, Benha University, November, 2005.
The fourth scientific Conference for rabbits production in tropical, organized by the Egyptian Association for Rabbit Science in cooperation with the International Center for advanced agricultural Studies in countries of the Mediterranean basin (France), held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, 24-27 February 2005 .
The third Conference for rabbits production in tropical, organized by the Egyptian Association for Science of rabbits, Hurghada, 8-11/10/2002 .
The 25th Veterinary Arab Conference organized by the Egyptian Veterinary Medical Association, under the slogan of the need for Arab forum for Animal Health, the International Conference Hall for agriculture, Cairo from 6-9/5/2001.
The second Conference for animal production and health in the semi-arid areas, organized by the faculty of environmental agricultural sciences, El-Arish, Suez Canal University, 4-6/9/2001 .
The International Conference for animal production and poultry in the 21st century, entitled "Challenges and Prospects", organized by the Institute of Animal Production Research, Ministry of Agriculture, the International Center for Training on animal care, Sakha, from 18-20 / 4 / 2000 .
The 26th International Conference for statistics and computer science and its applications, Mansoura University, April, 2000 .
The Seventh Scientific Conference for Animal Nutrition (Ruminants, Poultry, Fish) organized by the Egyptian assembly for Nutrition and Feed, Faculty of Environmental Agricultural Sciences, Arish, Suez Canal University, October, 1999
The Seventh Scientific Conference for Animal Nutrition (Ruminants, Poultry, Fish) organized by the Egyptian assembly for Nutrition and Feed, Faculty of Environmental Agricultural Sciences, Arish, Suez Canal University, October, 1999
Participate in international workshop on animal breeding Institute-University of Munich in Germany from 21-25 May 1997, held in Switzerland during the training program for graduate students and research.
The European Conference for Genetic Statistic, Institute of Medizinische Statistik und Epidemiologie, Munich, Germany, April, 1997.