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Ass. Lect. Mahmoud Mohamad Khalil :: Publications:

Individual and Combined Occurrence of Mycotoxins in Feed Ingredients and Complete Feeds in China
Authors: Rui Ma, Lei Zhang, Meng Liu, Yong-Teng Su, Wen-Mei Xie, Ni-Ya Zhang, Jie-Fan Dai, Yun Wang, Shahid Ali Rajput, De-Sheng Qi, Niel Alexander Karrow and Lv-Hui Sun
Year: 2018
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Toxins
Volume: 10
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 113
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

The objective of this study was to investigate the individual and combined contamination of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), zearalenone (ZEN) and deoxynivalenol (DON) in feedstuffs from different Provinces of China between 2016 and 2017. A total of 1569 samples, including 742 feed ingredients and 827 complete pig feed samples, were collected from various regions of China for mycotoxins analysis. The results showed that individual occurrence rates of AFB1, ZEN, and DON were more than 83.3%, 88%, and 74.5%, respectively, in all the tested samples. DON was the most prevalent contaminant, followed by ZEN and AFB1, with the average concentrations ranging from 450.0–4381.5 g/kg, 2.3–729.2 g/kg, and 1.3–10.0 g/kg, respectively. Notable, 38.2%, 10.8%, and 0.6% of complete pig feeds were contaminated with DON, ZEN, and AFB1 over China’s regulatory limits, respectively. Moreover, over 75.0% analyzed samples were co-contaminated with two or three mycotoxins. In conclusion, the current study revealed that the feedstuffs in China were severely contaminated with DON, followed by ZEN and AFB1 during the past two years. These findings highlight the importance of monitoring mycotoxins in livestock feed and implementing feed management and bioremediation strategies to reduce mycotoxin exposure.

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