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Prof. Mahmoud Ahmed Mohamed Mousa :: Publications:

Electrical Conduction in γ-Irradiated- and Unirradiated-Pure and Doped Samples of Cr2O3
Authors: Mahmoud Mousa A. El-Khouly Esam Gomaa Aref Aly
Year: 1986
Keywords: Science
Journal: Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie
Volume: 267
Issue: 1
Pages: DOI: 10.1515/zpch-1986-26716
Publisher: Leipzig
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Mahmoud Ahmed Mohamed Mousa_231.html

he electrical conductivities (a) of pure and doped Cr203 samples were measured at a temperature range of 25-450°C and the activation energies were also calculated. The doping elements used were Li, Be, Mg, Zn, Ni, Sb and Ti in a concentration range of 0.01-2.0 atom- %. The first five cations have been seen to increase the electrical conductivity and decrease the activation energy (£,) of the pure Cr203, whereas, the last two cations (Sb and Ti) showed a reverse behaviour. All these observations have been interpretated and discussed in this publication. Moreover, the same determinations of electrical conductivity and activation energy were also achieved for the y-irradiated samples of pure Cr203 using two different doses of y-rays at the same range of temperature, 25-450°C. The values of the rate constant (k) of the recombination process of the defects produced by y-ir-radiation were determined at a temperature range of 500-1400°C and the E„ calculated was found to be 0.03 eV

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