The strangeness enhancement signature of QGP formation at LHC energies is carefully tackled in the present p study.
Based on
HRG, the particle ratios of mainly strange and multistrange particles are studied at energies from lower s ~ 0:001 up to
13 TeV. The strangeness enhancement clearly appeared at more high energies, and the ratios are confronted to the available
experimental data. The particle ratios are also studied using the Cosmic Ray Monte Carlo (CRMC) interface model with its
two different event generators, namely, EPOS 1.99 and EPOSlhc, which show a good agreement with the model calculations at
the whole range of the energy. We utilize them to produce some particles ratios. EPOS 1.99 is used to estimate particle ratios
at lower energies from AGS up to the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) while EPOSlhc is used at LHC energies. The
production of kaons and lambda particles is studied in terms of the mean multiplicity in p-p collisions at energies ranging
from 4 to 26 GeV. We find that both HRG model and the used event generators, EPOS 1.99 and EPOSlhc, can describe the
particle ratios very well. Additionally, the freeze-out parameters are estimated for different collision systems, such as p-p and
Pb-Pb, at LHC energies using both models.