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Dr. mahmoud ahmed mohamed said :: Publications:

Effect of CRAC units layout on thermal management of data center
Authors: SA Nada, MA Said
Year: 2017
Keywords: Data centers CFD investigations Thermal management Layout arrangements of CRAC units
Journal: Applied Thermal Engineering
Volume: 118
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 339-344
Publisher: Pergamon
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper mahmoud ahmed mohamed said_ATE Paoer 2 Data center (T. N.).pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Comprehensive numerical studies of thermal management of data centers were presented by several investigators for different geometric and operating conditions of data centers. In the present work, a technical note regarding the effect of the computer room air conditioning (CRAC) units layout arrangements is presented. Two arrangements of CRAC units layouts are investigated; namely locating CRACs units in line with the racks row and locating the CRACs units perpendicular to the rack row. Temperature distributions, air flow characteristics particularly air recirculation and bypass and thermal management in data centers are evaluated in terms of the measureable overall performance parameters: supply/return heat indices (SHI/RHI) and return temperature indices (RTI). The results showed that locating CRAC units perpendicular to the racks row has the following effects: (i) enhances the uniformity of the air flow from the perforated tiles along the rack row, (ii) reduces the hot air recirculation at the ends racks of the row and the cold air bypass at the middle rack of the row and (iii) enhances the data center performance parameters RTI, SHI and RHI.

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