You are in:Home/Publications/Inheritance of some fruit characters in peppers (Capsicum annum L.). Annals of Agric. Sci. Moshtohor, 929-941

Prof. Makhlouf Mohamed Mahmoud Bekhit :: Publications:

Inheritance of some fruit characters in peppers (Capsicum annum L.). Annals of Agric. Sci. Moshtohor, 929-941
Authors: El-Shawaf, I. I. S.; Hassan, A. M.; Gabal, R. and Bekhit, M. M. M.
Year: 1986
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Annals of Agric., Sc., Moshtohor
Volume: 24
Issue: 2
Pages: 929-941
Publisher: Faculty of Agriculture, Moshtohor
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Makhlouf Mohamed Mahmoud Bekhit_PAPER_01.rar
Supplementary materials Not Available

Fruit characters viz. fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit shape and number of locules per fruit were studied in five varieties, five F1 crosses, F2 and back-crosses of pepper. Shorter fruits, narrow fruit diameter, conical fruit shape and number of locules per fruit behaved as partially dominant traits. The estimated heterotic values were positive for shorter fruits and broader diameter fruit. Meanwhile, heterotic values were negative for fruit, The additive-dominance model was not adequate to explain gene effects for the inheritance of these fruit traits. however, additive gene effects was found to be important for the inheritance of fruit length. Meanwhile, dominance gene effects was more important for fruit diameter and number of locules per fruit. One to three pairs of majpr genes were estimated and apparently involved in controlling most of the fruit characters. Heretability values ranged from moderate to high in most of the characters studied. ,

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