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Dr. Malak Fkry Tawfik Soliman :: Publications:

The Economic Activity of Churches and Monasteries in Late Roman Egypt
Authors: Malak Fekry
Year: 2012
Keywords: late Roman Egypt
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Malak Fkry Tawfik Soliman_The Economic Activity of Churches and Monasteries in Late Roman Egypt.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The current thesis tackles the economic activity of both churches and monasteries in late Roman Egypt. In this respect, the study sheds light upon the various economic activities, either being agricultural, industrial or even commercial, which are practised by these religious institutions, consequently, the present study is initiated by a historical background of churches and monasteries in Egypt. This certainly contributes to trace the development of these roles up to the late Roman epoch. it also discusses the origin of monasticism and its relation to the appearance of monasteries. Moreover, the present study investigates how both Egyptian monasteries and the desert are strongly related in minds. The economic activities of these desert monasteries are, therefore, more highlighted because they differ from the Nile valley and its fertile land

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