This paper tackles the Mongol invasion for Russia following the Russian Novgord Chronicle (1223 – 1240 A.D.) It is an Eclestical Russian Chronicle narrated by Russian Orthodox clergy men Their interpretation for the events of the invasion is certainly religious are. Moreover, They ignore the Russian defensive efforts and the sufferings the encounterd at the hards of the Mongol forces. The Chronicle highlighted historical events in short as well as narrating vaguely some events. This phenomenon can be understood the moment we Consider the spatial distance Seperating Novgord and other Russian principalities .
This Study also reveals why the Mongol invaded Russia Is there a Logical connection between the Mongol invasion for Russian and their invasion for its neighbouring Algrothmic State or it is a reaction against the steepy tribes including Koman, Pashkir, Pecheng, etc .
Furthermore, the phases of the Mongol invasion for Russia are underlined. The first stage was an explorative in nature, achieving quick destinations then, it returned to its origin in (1223 A.D.).
The Second phase was a complete one if compared to its predecessor in its subsquenes and results against the Russian side .
The paper also illuminates the reasons behind Mongol victory over Russia. The study also emphasizes the comparative aspects between the Mongol and the European Crusaders in their inhuman behavior, barbarian conduct and Severity.
To conclude, this paper attempts to objectively reveal facts about the Mongol invasion for Russia. |