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Dr. Mamdoh Mohamed Maghazy Hallol :: Publications:

The Crises of the Relation between the franks newcomers and settled franks in Syria
Authors: Mamdouh Hallol
Year: 2019
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mamdoh Mohamed Maghazy Hallol_paper1.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

We are about to discuss a phenomena which was rustled the Crusades, related to contacts between the two sides of Crusaders society in Syria. The society of which contain the franks who settled the Levant and affected with the nature of life in it, after they had stayed for along periods, and franks newcomers who knows as they were discriminators, that leads to many crises and problems to early settlers and so the feeling of pleasure was exhausted, and they were angry wishing to get red of them, this led to an even situation between the two parts., that led to many crises and problems between them. The paper also focuses on Settlers attempts to bridge the gap between the parts. This is because they feel a sense of alienation and their poor need military support , however the new comers pays no attention to nothing but their own interests. Accordingly, the crises remained as it is and ultimately led to decline and fall of the crusades entity.

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