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Dr. Manar Ezzat Elkhayat :: Publications:

An Evaluation of the Lineage of Brucella Isolates in Turkey by a Whole-Genome Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Analysis
Authors: Kadir Akar, Katharina Holzer, Ludwig E Hoelzle, Gülseren Yıldız Öz, Shaimaa Abdelmegid, Emin Ayhan Baklan, Buket Eroğlu, Eray Atıl, Shawky A Moustafa, Gamal Wareth, Manar Elkhayat
Year: 2024
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Veterinary Sciences
Volume: 11
Issue: 7
Pages: 316
Publisher: mdpi
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Manar Ezzat Elkhayat_vetsci-11-00316-v2 (1).pdf
Supplementary materials Manar Ezzat Elkhayat_vetsci-11-00316-v2 (1).pdf

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