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Ass. Lect. Marwa okasha Abdelhalim :: Publications:

The Effect of Some Chemicals on The Viability of Lymnaea spp. snails and Metacercariae as Control Measures of Zoonotic Fascioliasis in Qualyobia Province, Egypt
Authors: Lobna M. A. Salem, Nashwa O. Khalifa, Marwa O. Abd El-Halim
Year: 2023
Keywords: NaOCl Fasciola metacercariae Citric acid Acetic acid KMno4
Journal: Benha Veterinary Medical Journa
Volume: 43
Issue: 2
Pages: 45-50
Publisher: not available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Marwa okasha Abdelhalim_BVMJ_Volume 43_Issue 2_Pages 45-50.pdf
Supplementary materials Marwa okasha Abdelhalim_BVMJ_Volume 43_Issue 2_Pages 45-50.pdf

Fasciola spp. is one of the most causes of liver diseases in the world. Infection with Fasciola is important from a veterinary and medical standpoint, particularly in areas with high densities of sheep and cattle production. The infection by fascioliasis takes place through ingestion of metacercariae attached to vegetables or drinking of contaminated water. Prevention of human fascioliasis could depend on cleaning of the leafy salads from the metacercariae and control of Lymnaea snails. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of NaOCl on Fasciola intermediate snail host (Lymnaea), as method of control Fasciola spp. and the effect of some acids as well as KMno4 on encysted metacercariae to find the best method(s) to clear the salads from metacercariae, while keeping the leaves as fresh as possible so that they become safe and acceptable for human consumption. It was observed that washing of vegetables in running water for 10 minutes could detach some of the metacercariae. The intermediate hosts (Lymnaea spp. snails) were exposed to a range of NaOCl concentrations, which resulted in an increase cercariae mortality and caused damage to specific parts of the snail's foot. The duration and concentration of the exposure also had an impact on the outcome. It was found that citric acid at the concentration of (10 mg/L), acetic acid (120 ml/L,) and KMn04 (24 mg/L) detached all metacercariae after 10 minutes of exposure. They were recommended as vegetable leaves as they were not softened and remained fresh.

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