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Dr. Marim Fayz Abdow :: Publications:

Modulation of Energy Drink-Induced Hepato-renal and Testicular Toxicity by Pomegranate Peel Extract: Insights from Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Analyses
Authors: Mohamed M. S. Gaballa1, Osama Ahmed2,3, Sally Elsharkawey4, Marim Fayz Abdow5, Salma Shoulah6, Fatma Wahba Hassan7, Mohamed Alkafafy8, Khalil Mohamed9, Ahmed Soliman10, Ahmed Farag11, Mohamed Aboubakr12* and Mohamed Shaalan13,14
Year: 2025
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Marim Fayz Abdow_testis paper.pdf
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Energy drink consumption, particularly among teenagers and young adults, has experienced a significant rise in recent years. However, mounting research points to the potential for chronic energy drink use to cause biochemical and histological abnormalities in vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, and reproductive system. To investigate whether pomegranate peel extract could offer protection against these toxic effects, this study was conducted on adult male albino rats divided into five groups: a control group, a pomegranate peel extract group, an energy drink group administered Red Bull®, a group pre-treated with pomegranate peel extract before energy drink consumption, and a group given energy drink followed by pomegranate peel extract. Over a 12-week treatment period, serum and tissue samples were collected to analyze liver and kidney function markers, lipid profile, oxidative stress levels, and histological changes. Rats those consumed energy drinks for 12 weeks exhibited elevated liver enzymes, impaired kidney function, disrupted lipid profiles, increased oxidative stress, and noticeable morphological changes in liver, kidney, and testicular tissues. In contrast, rats those received pomegranate peel extract either before or after energy drink consumption showed significant improvements in these parameters, demonstrating the protective effects of pomegranate peel extract in attenuating biochemical abnormalities and restoring tissue histology. These findings suggest that pomegranate peel extract has both therapeutic and preventive potential against the toxicity induced by chronic energy drink consumption, offering valuable insights that could inform strategies to reduce the adverse health effects associated with the regular use of energy drinks.

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