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Assist. Mayada Sobhy Abdelsadik Nayel :: Publications:

Productivity and Quality of Some Sugar Beet Varieties As Affected By Bacterial Inoculation and Inducing Materials in Saline Soil
Authors: Mayada SA Nayel, HRA EL-Deeba, MIM Salwau, SAS Mehasen
Year: 2022
Keywords: Sugar beet varieties; Saline soil; Bacterial inoculation; Inducing materials; Yield and its components
Journal: Annals of Agricultural science
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mayada Sobhy Abdelsadik Nayel_ASSJM_Volume 60_Issue 4_Pages 1045-1050.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Two field experiments were carried out during the winter seasons of 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 at Ras–Sudr experimental station, Desert Research Center, Western Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. The main objective of this study was to evaluate yield and yield components as well as juice quality of three sugar beet varieties (Raspoly, Halawa and Melodia) as affected by six combinations between bacterial inoculation and inducing material treatments under saline soil conditions. Results showed that the Halawa variety gave the highest values and highly significance for sucrose% and purity%. While the Melodia variety gave the highest values and highly significance for sugar yield. While, Raspoly variety gave the highest values and highly significance for root length over the combined analysis. Yield, its components, and juice quality of sugar beet, i.e., root length, root diameter, sugar yield, sucrose%, purity%, Na%, K% and proline were highly significantly as affected by the combinations between bacterial inoculation and inducing material treatments in the combined analysis. A significant impact of the interaction between sugar beet varieties and the combinations between bacterial inoculation and inducing material treatments was gained for root length, root diameter, sugar yield, sucrose% and purity% in the combined data. It could be complemented that under the conditions of the experiment, planting Raspoly or Halawa or Melodia variety with the combinations between bacterial inoculation and foliar application with proline treatment under saline soil conditions is recommended.

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