You are in:Home/Publications/A Curricular Reform Proposal for Egyptian Computer Engineering Education ECEE

Dr. May ahmed salama mohamed :: Publications:

A Curricular Reform Proposal for Egyptian Computer Engineering Education ECEE
Authors: May Salama, Tarek Thabet
Year: 2010
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper May ahmed salama mohamed_Curricular Transform.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The ECEE is structured upon the technical skills of computer engineers. Through 5-year (preparatory + 4) education, ECEE introduces basic sciences then concentrates on specific technical skills for a computer engineer. There is a big gap between what the student learns and what he finds in practical life whether he would be an employee or an entrepreneur. This paper proposes a new approach where the ECEE will be oriented towards the type of business not the skill. This will narrow the gap between academic and vocational education. Choices of business are completely based on industry and market demand that should be flexible and dynamic. Based on the student's choice, he would study all what is related to that business. This will necessitate interdisciplinary programs oriented towards the business type to be inserted in the curriculum as well as cross-faculties projects which will require some kind of protocol between engineering and non-engineering faculties. It will also require a change in the curriculum of the non-engineering faculties that will participate in the cross faculty projects. Evaluation of this proposal is presented using questionnaire targeted at undergraduates and post-graduates.

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