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Prof. اMahmoud Makled :: Publications:

Structural and Magnetic properties of nanograined Ni0. 7-yZn0. 3CayFe2O4 spinels
Authors: M H Makled, N M Shash and H K abedelsalam
Year: 2014
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: The European Physical Journal Applied Physics
Volume: 66
Issue: 3
Pages: 30402-304011
Publisher: Cambridge Journals
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

Abstract Nanocrystalline Ni 0.7− y Zn 0.3 Ca y Fe 2 O 4 (0.0≤ y≤ 0.7) has been obtained by soft coprecipitation method at different calcination temperatures. The influence of Ca 2+ content and heat treatment on microstructure and magnetic properties are investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis, scanning electron microscope (SEM), atomic force microscope (AFM) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy. XRD analysis reveals single phase of spinel structure in ferrite with y= 0.2. An endothermic peak in DSC curve is appeared ...

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