This study was carried out on sour orange seedlings (one-month-old). Seedlings were treated with mycorrhizal fungi {Glomus macrocarpum), phosphatic fertilizer and wilting agent disease (Fusarium oxysporum) separately or in combination. Data indicated that seedlings inoculated with .mvcorrhizal fungus alone gave the highest plant height, top and root dry weights, leaf macro elements (N, P, K and Mg) content, and root N and K contents as compared with the other treatments under study. In contrast, F, oxysporum caused reducing plant height, dry weight of seedlings, leaf N, P, K and Mg contents as well as root N, P, K and Ca contests than control plants. On the other hand, mycorrhizal fungus was best than phosphatic fertilizer in improving vegetative growth parameters and leaf & root macro-elements content. Generally, the combined treatment (G. macrocarpum + suoer-P + F, oxysporum) gave nearly the same results in dry weight, ieaf N and P contents as weli as root N, P and K contents comparing with the G. macrocarpum + F. oxysporum treatment. Also, mycorrhizal fungus with or without phosphatic fertilizer improved vegetative parameters and ieai & root macro-elements contest as compared with seedlings treated with F. oxysporum fungus alone