Intensity-Duration-Frequency curve is a graphical representation of the likelihood
of a specific average rainfall intensity occurring. It is calculated using a mathematical
function that links rainfall intensity to duration and frequency. These curves are
extensively used in hydrology and civil engineering for flood forecasts and urban
drainage design. In water resources projects and hydrological assessments, intensityduration-frequency (IDF) curves are often utilized. The actual distribution of rainfall
intensity over the period of rainfall is one of the most critical prerequisites for producing
IDF curves, yet short-duration rainfall records are rare in arid places where daily
rainfall data is available. Hydrologists can use the Natural Resources Conservation
Service's (NRCS) standard synthetic rainfall distributions to generate short-duration
rainfall data from daily rainfall data. The main purpose of this research is to
demonstrate the technique for creating the IDF curve using daily rainfall data collected
from the Al Qusir weather station. Where 36 years were used in this study in 1934 and
from 1985 to 2020, where the highest value was recorded at 34 mm and was in 1934
The HyfranPlus program was used to perform frequency analysis on the observed
rainfall records. The results of the comparison indicate that the Gamma distribution
(maximum likelihood) is best suited to represent the rainfall data for the Al Qusir
weather station in this. The results of the corresponding rainfall data for 2, 5, 10, 25,
50 and 100 years were used and the corresponding rain intensity was inferred for every
6 minutes over a 24 hour period. for each of the previous years. |