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Dr. Mohammed Ibrahem Mohammed Abd El-Aleem :: Publications:

Identification and Characterization of Antioxidant and bioactive component of Mirabilis jalapa and Dracocephalum moldavica L. plants
Authors: Mohammed. I. Abd El-Aleem, Ahmed, A. Abd El-Rahman and Abdalla .E. El-Hadary
Year: 2019
Keywords: Mirabilis jalapa, dragonhead, fatty acids, phenolic and flavonoid compounds.
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohammed Ibrahem Mohammed Abd El-Aleem _Mohammed. I. Abd El-Aleem.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This study was conducted Mirabilis jalapa and Dragonhead leaves and seeds to evaluate bioactive components. Carbohydrate represent the major component in the Mirabilis.J (75.20%).The content of Dragonhead Lipids and protein (28.5 – 23.9 %) was higher than that of Mirabilis.J (4.5 – 10.4%) respectively. Mirabilis.J and Dragonhead oil contains high amounts of unsaturated fatty acids. The unsaturated fatty acids of Mirabilis.J and Dragonhead oil were (79.21 and 88.55%) of total fatty acids respectively. The major unsaturated fatty acids in Mirabilis.J were linoleic acid (31.48%) followed by oleic (20.38%) and Gama linolenic (18.39%), while, total saturated fatty acids content is 17.87%. Dragonhead seed oil contain also major unsaturated fatty acids were Alfa-linolenic (51.88%) followed by linoleic (23.38%) and oleic acid (12.16%). Total phenolic and total flavonoid compounds, scavenging radical effect on 2, 2-diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ABTS (2,2-azino-bis (3-ethlbenzthiazoline-3-sulfonic acid) radical-scavenging activity were investigated .The specific phenolic and flavonoid composition quantification for ethanolic extract were performed by HPLC. presence 21 phenolic compound in dragonhead ethanolic extract. The highest quantities were , Ellagic, Benzoic, salycillic, Ferulic, Iso-Ferulic and Catechein while in Mirabilis.J ethanolic extract were Pyrogallol, Catechein, salycillic ,Chlorogenic, Ellagicand Benzoic were found as the major phenols. Naringin, Kamp.3, (2-p-comaroyl) glucose, Luteolin.7glucose, Hespirdin, Rutin, Apig.6arbinose.8.galactose, Apigenin.-7 -ᴏ-neohes and Quercetrin were found as the major flavonoids in dragonhead ethanolic extract however Naringin, Hespirdin, Kamp.3, (2comaroyl) glucose and Rutin were found as the major flavonoids in Mirabilis jalapa.

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