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Dr. Mohamed Elbadawy Abdelgayed Gad Kewan :: Publications:

Development of an Experimental Model for Analyzing Drug Resistance in Colorectal Cancer
Authors: Mohamed Elbadawy 1,2,†OrcID, Tatsuya Usui 1,*,†, Hideyuki Yamawaki 3 and Kazuaki Sasaki 1
Year: 2018
Keywords: 3D cell culture; colorectal cancer; drug resistance; cancer stem cells
Journal: Cancers
Volume: 10
Issue: 6
Pages: 164
Publisher: MDPI
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Mohamed Elbadawy Abdelgayed Gad Kewan_Development of an Experimental Model for Analyzing Drug Resistance in Colorectal Cancer, cancers-2852018.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers, for which combination treatment of chemotherapy is employed. However, most patients develop drug resistance during the course of treatment. To clarify the mechanisms of drug resistance, various research models have been developed. Recently, we established a human CRC patients-derived three-dimensional (3D) culture system using an air-liquid interface organoid method. It contained numerous cancer stem cells and showed resistance to 5-fluorouracil and Irinotecan. In this review, we introduce conventional and our established models for studying drug resistance in CRC.

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