Thus study was done on 197 pregnant women. Fasting plasma total
homocysteine (tHcys) was measured in each woman at. 16& week of
pregnancy. They were divided into 2 groups according to development of
preeclampsia. Women who did not develop preeclampsia (n= 179) comprised control group. Women who developed preeclampsia (n=18) comprised the study group.
Fasting plasma tHcys at 16th week gestation was significantly higher in preeclampsia group compared to control group (P 90th percentite of controls (>5.37 ng/di) was significantly higher in preeclampsia group compared to control group.
It could be concluded that hyperhomocysteinemia at 16th week gestation may be an indirect risk factor for ptacental vascidopathy predating preeclampsia.