In twenty patients of non - insulin dependant diabetes mellitus, the oral glucose tolerance improved with physical exercise and oral hypoglycemic sulphonylurea, better than with sulphonylurea alonc. Mean fasting blood glucose was 170 ± 7. 7 mg / dl before treatment, 164 ± 7. 1 mg / dl after tree.
atment and132 . 5 ± 5 .9 mg / dl after treatment and exercise.
The mean blood glucose, 2 hours after ingestion of 75 gm glucose was 215 ± 9 .4 mg / dl before treatment, was 180 . 5 ± 8 . 2 mg / dl after treatment and was 161 ± 0 .9 mg / dl after treatment and training ( P<0 . 001 ). The dose of sulphonylurea decreased during Training . The mean dose of chlor¬propamide was 228. 6 ± 9. 3 mg / day before and 142 . 9 ± 187 mg / day after training ( P <0 . 001 ). The mean dose of glibenclamide was 13 . 75 ± 1. 5 mg / day before and 7 . 5 ± 1. 2 mg / day during training (P <0. 001 ). Mean tolbutomide dose was 1. 2 ± 0. 12 mg / day before and 0. 8 ± 0. 09 mg / day during training ( P(O. 001). |