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Prof. Mohamed Reda Aly Abd-Elhamid Salem :: Publications:

A Numerical Study on PV Panels Integrated with Hybrid ZnO-MgO/WaterEthylene Glycol Nanofluid-Based Solar Spectrum Filters
Authors: Yasser M. Safan;Mohamed R. Salem;S.A. Abdel-Moneim;Ashraf E. Elmohlawy
Year: 2025
Keywords: Solar Spectrum Filter;Hybrid Nanofluid;ZnO-MgO;WaterEthylene Glycol;PV Panels
Journal: Journal of Al-Azhar University Engineering Sector
Volume: 20
Issue: 74
Pages: 228-242
Publisher: Al-Azhar University Engineering Sector
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper Mohamed Reda Aly Abd-Elhamid Salem_Mohamed R. Salem.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This study investigates the effect of using a hybrid nanofluid filter on the performance of a PV system. The ZnO-MgO/Water-Ethylene Glycol (W-EG)- based filter presents an economic and green optical filter. This study compares the effects of using a hybrid filter against other filters under a variable optical fluid mass flux (0-10 kg/s.m2), a maximum radiation intensity (1000 W/m2), and a fixed filter thickness (10 mm). The results show that a dynamic W-EG (60:40) filter with mass flux (1-6 kg/s.m2), can reduce the temperature of the PV cells by 45% of that for a stationary filter. In addition, the performance of the spectral splitting filter-PV (SSF-PV) system shows an average enhancement ratio in the electrical efficiency by 28% more than that of the reference PV panel, and an average improvement in the cooling effect by 26%, relative to the fixed inlet temperature (20℃) of optical fluid. The proposed nanofluid-based SSF-PV system achieves an optimum electrical efficiency and enhanced cooling effect compared with investigated nanofluids.

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