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Dr. Mohamed Mohamed Fathy Abdel Samih :: Publications:

Design Of Solar Power System For Chicken Farm At Saudi Arabia
Authors: Mohamed M. Fathy Youssef
Year: 2023
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: International Journal Of Electrical And Power Engineering
Volume: 17
Issue: 1
Pages: 1-17
Publisher: MAK HILL
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Mohamed Mohamed Fathy Abdel Samih_1-17 (1).pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The research aims to study, analyze and design solar power system for poultry to save money in production process. The solar energy sector has neglected the poultry industry for a long time, despite it being a major consumer of electricity, so this project aims to support farmers with electric energy generated by solar energy in order to rely on solar energy solutions. Because of the importance of this project, which focuses on the importance of solar energy in saving costs. This project constitutes a nucleus for the design of an electric power supply system through solar panels to start implementing this program later on at the country level in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and it can save a lot of production costs and serve many poultry farms and provide them with clean and free electric energy.

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