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Prof. Mohamed mokhtar mohamed abdallah :: Publications:

Activity and stability studies of titanates and titanate-carbon nanotubes supported Ag anode catalysts for direct methanol fuel cell
Authors: Mohamed Mokhtar Mohamed*, M. Khairy, Salah Eid
Year: 2016
Keywords: Ag/titanate-SWCNT Direct methanol fuel cells Electrocatalysis Electrochemical impedance Electrical conductivity
Journal: Journal of Power Sources 304 (2016) 255-265
Volume: 304
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 255-265
Publisher: Elsevier
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

Titanate-SWCNT; synthesized via exploiting the interaction between TiO2 anatase with oxygen functionalized SWCNT, supported Ag nanoparticles and Ag/titanate are characterized using XRD, TEM-EDXSAED, N2 adsorption, Photoluminescence, Raman and FTIR spectroscopy. These samples are tested for methanol electrooxidation via using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and impedance measurements. It is shown that Ag/titanate nanotubes exhibited superior electrocatalytic performance for methanol oxidation (4.2 mA cm2) than titanate-SWCNT, Ag/titanate-SWCNT and titanate. This study reveals the existence of a strong metal-support interaction in Ag/titanate as explored via formation of TieOeAg bond at 896 cm1 and increasing surface area and pore volume (103 m2 g1, 0.21 cm3 g1) compared to Ag/ titanate-SWCNT (71 m2 g1, 0.175 cm3 g1) that suffers perturbation and defects following incorporation of SWCNT and Ag. Embedding Ag preferably in SWCNT rather than titanate in Ag/titanate-SWCNT disturbs the electron transfer compared to Ag/titanate. Charge transfer resistance depicted from Nyquist impedance plots is found in the order of titanate > Ag/titanate-SWCNT > titanate-SWCNT > Ag/ titanate. Accordingly, Ag/titanate indicates a slower current degradation over time compared to rest of catalysts. Conductivity measurements indicate that it follows the order Ag/titanate > Ag/titanate- SWCNT > titanate > titanate-SWCNT declaring that SWCNT affects seriously the conductivity of Ag(titanate) due to perturbations caused in titanate and sinking of electrons committed by Ago through SWCNT.

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