A novel series of environmentally friendly cationic surfactants were synthesized by reaction of mixed fatty acids,
extracted from waste frying oil (WFO) as a low-cost raw material, and N,N-Dimethyl-1,3-propanediamine with
high yield products. The synthesized fatty amides were reacted with different alkyl halides and dimethyl sulphate
to form the desired cationic surfactants. The acquired compounds were elucidated via different spectroscopic
tools as IR, 1
H and 13C NMR spectra. Surface properties including critical micelle concentration, effectiveness,
maximum surface excess, minimum surface area…. etc. was investigated. Also, thermodynamic parameters including free energy of adsorption (ΔGads
o ) and micellization (ΔGmic
o ) were calculated. The petroleum capacities
of synthesized compounds were evaluated in the diluted and solid form with waters varying in salinity. The results showed that the synthesized compounds have good surface properties, high tendency to be adsorbed at the
surface than micellized and high ability to collect and disperse the petroleum film from water surface (the effect
ranging from 95–97%). Moreover, the antimicrobial activities of synthesized cationic surfactants against various
microbes were investigated |