Background: spondylodiscitis is a spinal infection by a pathogen affecting primarily the intervertebral disc and the adjacent vertebral bodies, starting at the endplates, but with secondary involvement of the intervertebral discs. Patient and methods: this prospective, cross-sectional, observational study conducted in neurosurgery department at benha university hospitals from dec 2019 to april 2021. We included all patients with spondylodiscits without privilege to age or gender, and at any vertebral region, we applying a scoring system for spondylodiscitis, which we term spondt (spondylodiscitis diagnosis and treatment) based on three traits: [1] the inflammatory marker c-reactive protein (crp) (mg/dl), [2] pain according to a numeric rating scale (nrs) and [3] magnetic resonance imaging (mri), to monitor its progression following treatment. Result :from this study on 19 patient the mean range of age was 47 years , 78,9% was spontenous spondylodiscits and 21.1% was post surgical infection , applying spondt score of spondylodiscits on admission was 7 and on discharge was 3 , 36.8% have surgical treatment versus 63.2% have conservative treatment. The lenght of stay in hospital mean range was 4 weaks. Conclusion: although the frequency of spondylolithesis has increased significantly, its diagnosis can be missed due to non specific presentation. We recommended performing laboratory inflammatory markers and mri with contrast to patient with sever low back pain. Conservative treatment is usually sufficient in most cases surgery is reserved to case with neurological deficits due to evident spinal stenosis compression and cases with marked instability. |