Objective : To describe the surgical management and postoperative outcomes in infants with metopic synostosis.
Methods : We conducted a 5 years retrospective chart review of patients who underwent surgical correction of metopic synostosis
at two university hospitals in Egypt during the period between June 2014 and June 2019. The study is conducted to 18 children. The
type of surgical procedures and postoperative outcomes were assessed in all patients.
Results : Five cases (27.8%) underwent endoscopic-assisted suturectomy, 10 cases (55.6%) underwent craniofacial reconstruction,
and three cases (16.6%) underwent open burring of the metopic ridge. Fifteen patients underwent one surgery and three patients
(16.6%) who need second operation. Ten patients (55.6%) had class I Whitaker classification.
Conclusion : Regardless of type of surgery, the outcomes of surgical correction of metopic synostosis are excellent with only a few
patients require revision or develop major complications. |