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Dr. Mohamed Yehia Akl :: Publications:

MHD flow and heat transfer driving by a power-law shear over a semi-infinite flat plate
Authors: MY Akl
Year: 2009
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Computational Materials Science
Volume: 45
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Elsevier
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

The steady, laminar-boundary-layer flow driving past a semi-infinite flat plate by a power-law shear is studied taking into account the effects of magnetic field. The resulting, governing equations are non-dimensionalized and are transformed using a similarity transformation and then solved numerically by the shooting method. A parametric study of all parameters involved is conducted, and a representative set of numerical results for the velocity and temperature profiles are illustrated graphically to show typical trends of the solutions. It is ...

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