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Dr. mohamed.alassal :: Publications:

infective endocarditis associated with splenic abscess: case series
Authors: Abdelfatah Elasfar a,b,⇑, Abdulaziz AlBaradai a, Ziyad AlHarfi a, Mohamed Alassal a,c, Ayman Ghoneim a,d, Fahad AlGhofaili
Year: 2015
Journal: saudi heart association
Volume: Volume 27, Pages 210–215
Issue: 3
Pages: 210-215
Publisher: elservier
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper mohamed.alassal_splinic abscess paper.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Splenic abscess is a well reported but rare complication in infective endocarditis. Splenic infarction is a more common and usually benign condition. It is estimated that approximately 5% of patients with splenic infarction will develop splenic abscesses [1–3]. We report the cases of three patients who presented with splenic abscesses secondary to infective endocarditis with evidence of sepsis, vegetation, and positive blood cultures. Those cases were referred to our center and operated on during the first half of 2014. The course of the disease in all three cases was variable but all were, at the very least, either very severe or critical.

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