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Dr. Mohamed El-Demerdash :: Courses details:

Number of courses : 17
Number of uploaded files for these courses from students : 0
Contemporary historical issues
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(2)
Approach to historical research
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(6)
Approach to historical research
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(-)
Egypt and the world
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(2)
History of the Arabs of modern and contemporary
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(1)
European History of Modern and Contemporary
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(1)
Contemporary European History
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(-)
Contemporary History of Egypt
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(4)
Contemporary History of the Arabs
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(-)
Modern European History
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(-)
Modern European History
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(-)
History of the Ottoman Empire
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(3)
History of Asia, Modern and Contemporary
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(-)
Egypt's modern history
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(4)
Modern Arab History
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(-)
Contemporary History of Egypt
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(2)
History of Asia, Modern and Contemporary
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(-)
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