A total number of 1438 samples including, cloacae swabs (1101), litter (164), water (94) and ration (69) were collected from a poultry operation in Kingdom Saudi Arabia (KSA). On the same time 52 swabs were collected from hatcheries and poultry slaughter house 26 samples for each and 55 samples were also collected from frozen chicken meat
The results of isolation revealed that the salmonella sp., were isolated from cloacal swabs hi an incidence ranged from 1.4 -10% from the different poultry farms and also salmonella were isolated from poultry products, water, ration and litter. The examined samples collected from both slaughter house and frozen chicken meat revealed that 4 positive samples with an incidence of 15.4 and 18 were positive with an incidence of 32.7 % from each respectively.
The isolation of salmonella microorganisms from slaughter house considered the main source of contamination and spreading of salmonella microorganisms to the final products (frozen poultry meats) and the present study revealed that the incidence of salmonella in frozen poultry meat were reached to 40% and these results mean that the products should be totally contaminated. Serological identification for the isolated salmonella (101 isolates) revealed different serotypes were isolated such as S. enteritidis in an incidence of 34.7 %; Salmonella
manchuen 35 isolates 25.7 %; S. Livingston 26 isolates in an incidence
of 25.7 %; S. monstera 5 isolates in an incidence of 4.9 %; S. emekii 3 isolates in an incidence of 2.9 %; Salmonella hagar 2 isolates in an incidence of 1.9 % and Untypable salmonella 3 isolates in an incidence of 2.9 %. From the above mentioned results it can be concluded that poultry can be infected through different sources such as contaminated ration, water and litter and may be the infection transmitted via eggs to young chicks or faecal pollution to eggs or other materials. Poultry can be infected without any clinical signs and the poultry may only shed the salmonella microorganisms into the environments and considered as a source of infection. The infection of broiler chicken with low rate of salmonella microorganisms may be leads to contamination and spreading the salmonella microorganisms to poultry meat and other products during poultry processing.