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Dr. Mohamed Husien Mohamed Eid :: Publications:

An algorithm for solving multi-criteria integer programming problems
Authors: Mohamed H.Eid
Year: 2005
Keywords: Multi-criteria programming, Integer programming
Journal: Sci. Bulletin, Fac. of Eng., Ain Shams Uni.
Volume: Vol.40
Issue: No.3
Pages: 945-952
Publisher: Ain Shams Uni.
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

In this paper, we present an algorithm for treating multi-criteria integer linear programming problems. The proposed algorithm generates all efficient solutions of the multi-criteria integer linear programming problem having bounded objective functions on its feasible domain. The multi-criteria integer linear programming problem is divided into bi-criterion problems, then the resulting bi-criterion problems will be solved separately. The solution of each bi-criterion problem is determined with a finite sequence of single objective function integer linear programming problems. An example is given.

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