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Prof. Mohammed Mahmoud Meselhy Eldesoky :: Publications:

Using Small Sided Games for Developing the Level of Some Coordination and Skillful Abilities for Soccer Buds (PhD)
Authors: Mohammed Mahmoud Meselhy Eldesouky
Year: 2012
Keywords: small sided games - coordination abilities - basic skills - soccer buds
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohammed Mahmoud Meselhy Eldesoky_1.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

soccer game is one of the most widespread games of the group because it is characterized by the enthusiasm and excitement and excitement of its practitioners and fans everywhere in the world, and the game has evolved significantly than it was previously and the imposition of this development on the buds and young people many physical and skill and planning, and the convergence of these levels The physical, skill and planning of the buds and young people has made it difficult to perform some of the skills and duties during the match. FIFA points out that the small sided games are useful and exciting for the buds and the young. There are many studies that were done on the match Miniature game, which proved to be more fun and excitement for the buds and make them learn skills easily and within a specific stadium and the law governing the two teams, because the rate of touching the buds of the ball is large as well as learn faster and also be several decisions planned due to multiple positions during the game, Be more involved and more involved in the game, as well as the opportunity to show the individual skills and abilities of the bud and there are more opportunities on the opponent's goal and thus increase the goal rate is the secret of the real pleasure achieved by the matches. The researcher used the experimental approach to suit the nature of the research using the experimental design of two groups, using the inter-dimensional remote measurement of the results of the two groups (experimental and control). On the eye of the football buds under (12) years Club sports card, and the number of (40) bud (20 bud experimental sample, 20 bud as a control sample). The most important results of the study were that the training program applied to the members of the experimental sample had a positive effect on the development of compatibility and skill capabilities together and there were statistically significant differences between the mean of the experimental and control groups in the level of compatibility and for the benefit of the experimental group.

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