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Prof. Mohammed Mahmoud Meselhy Eldesoky :: Publications:

The impact of a training program with method of offensive tactical approaches on some of individual offensive means of tactics implementing for soccer juniors
Authors: Mohammed Mahmoud Meselhy Eldesouky
Year: 2014
Keywords: offensive tactical approaches - individual offensive tactics - soccer juniors
Journal: Journal of Comprehensive Education Research - Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Zagazig University
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Pages: 26
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohammed Mahmoud Meselhy Eldesoky_5.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Soccer is a collective sport that has been positively affected by the development of science related to the sport field and the development of methods and methods of preparing players physically, technically, psychologically and mentally, which helped the players to raise the level of performance and achieve excellence and achievement sports. The game evolved significantly than it was before and imposed this The development of many physical, technical and planning duties, and the convergence of these physical, skill and planning levels for young people has made it difficult to perform some skills and duties during the match , The approach is designed to develop the player's ability to solve the problems of gameplay that may appear during the game and learn how to choose the appropriate response, thus we have put the player in situations similar to the situations of play, because the development of technical and planning performance at the same time helps the player to control the course of the game from Through the linking of skills and tactics, by directing the skill and use of the method of play and aim to develop the level of players in the acquisition of skills and at the same time to improve the level of performance during the course of the game and requires the implementation of this method of awareness and understanding and understanding of knowledge and to be good implementation skills , The researcher used the experimental approach to suit the nature of the research using the experimental design of one group and using the measurement (pre - post), on the same of the soccer players in the club under 19 years. The most important results were statistically significant differences between the mean in the level of some means of implementation of individual offensive plans respectively (shooting - passing - dribbling – ball running) for the experimental group in question and for the benefit of remote measurement.

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