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Prof. Mohammed Mahmoud Meselhy Eldesoky :: Publications:

Evaluating soccer academies in some governorates of Arab Republic of Egypt
Authors: Mohammed Mahmoud Meselhy Eldesouky
Year: 2015
Keywords: soccer academies - soccer buds
Journal: The Scientific Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences - The 16th International Scientific Conference of School Sports - Faculty of Physical Education for Boys in Haram - Helwan University
Volume: 2
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 30
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohammed Mahmoud Meselhy Eldesoky_6.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Soccer academies aim to select the best elements at an early age and expand the base of buds and young people, and teach the basic skills and how to perform properly and knowledge of the rules and laws of soccer and the development of leadership and subordination to them through the application of scientific method in the training of buds, as well as raise the level of physical and skill and planning and psychological And to encourage them to adhere to healthy health habits, and to raise the level of education and culture and develop the spirit of belonging and commitment and increase the demand for buds to practice, This has made many individuals and parents race and rush to join the academies and schools of soccer in order to help their children to learn the skills and arts of the game appropriately, parents try to differentiate between the existing academies, which spread widely and choose the most appropriate from the face of the look of all soccer academies has become a reality In our public life, which opens its doors to the buds at all ages, unlike clubs, which only accept the talented player only. These academies teach these individuals the arts and skills of soccer and develop them not only in soccer but in the hearts Z physical, psychological, social and moral, The researcher used the descriptive method in the survey method to suit the nature of the research and its objectives. The most important results were the weakness of the planning process for some Academies, the lack of clear objectives and plans for some of the Academies and the lack of criteria in the selection of coaches of some academies. The absence of training programs planned within some academies, and the absence of a marketing plan within some academies.

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