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Prof. Mohammed Mahmoud Meselhy Eldesoky :: Publications:

The impact of small sided games on some of physical elements and combined skills for soccer juniors
Authors: Mohamed Mahmoud Meselhy Eldesouky
Year: 2017
Keywords: small sided- games - physical abilities – combined skills - soccer juniors
Journal: Journal of University of Sadat City for Physical Education and Sports
Volume: 1
Issue: 28
Pages: 29
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohammed Mahmoud Meselhy Eldesoky_8.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The small sided games are a game with simplified rules and conditions in a small space and a few players. They carry many goals such as preparatory goals when they contribute to the preparation and preparation of the player and when used in the warm up in the forefront of the training module, educational goals when the goal is to teach a certain skill by the coach, Training Objectives When aiming at skills training or previously learned plans, recreational goals when they aim to escape high loads and high training are also used in closing and entertaining the players and competitive goals if they are in a competitive setting to win and defeat, The small sided games provide the youth with playing in a competitive environment under the pressure of the competitor, which shows the level of the real youth, and the mini-games are characterized by the thrill and excitement is the secret of the rush of the youth to play soccer in addition to it gives him several positions occur within the game and therefore deal with the situation that is placed In which he is accustomed to good behavior during the situations in which the game is exposed, The researcher used the experimental approach to the nature of the research using the experimental design of one group and using the measurement (pre - post). (20 years). The most important results were that the proposed training program using mini-games had a positive effect on the development of the physical qualities and the skillful performances of the experimental group. The improvement rates between the two averages (pre-post) and for the benefit of remote measurement in the level of some physical characteristics and the skillful performances of the experimental group in question.

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