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Prof. Mohammed Mahmoud Meselhy Eldesoky :: Publications:

An analytical study of some of individual offensive means of tactics implementing for participating teams in European Football Championship 2008
Authors: Mohammed Mahmoud Meselhy Eldesouky
Year: 2009
Keywords: Match Analysis - Individual Offensive Means of Tactics Implementing
Journal: The Fourth International Scientific Conference, Modern Trends in Sports Science in the Light of the Labor Market, Faculty of Physical Education - Assiut University
Volume: 2
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 34
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohammed Mahmoud Meselhy Eldesoky_9.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The European Nations Championship brings its many teams and different football schools to offer a lot of comprehensive ball arts and many new plans and methods such as the German School, Spanish School, Italian School, Russian School, Dutch School, French School and other different football schools. This is what called the researchers to address this championship by analyzing to identify developments of individual offensive means of tactics implementing at the European football level as well as to benefit from the results of the study in planning, modifying and directing the contents of offensive plans training programs to contribute to developing the level of offensive planning performance of local players in line with the requirements of the ball Modern. The research aims to study some of individual offensive means of tactics implementing for the participating teams in the European Nations Football Championship 2008. The researchers used the descriptive method (analytical survey studies) due to its relevance to the nature of the research, the research sample was chosen intentionally from team matches that reached the finals of the European Nations Football 2008, where the number of participating teams was 16 teams and the number of matches 31 games, and the most important results of the study that The Spanish team achieved the highest number of successful passes during the championship matches, as the Spanish team achieved the highest number of corrections on goal from outside and inside the penalty area during the championship matches.

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