The present study aims to evaluate the morphometric and histopathological proper
ties of Modified Elnady's plastinated tissue after a period compared to non- plastinated
tissue. The plastination technique is utilized in research and teaching due to the po
tential health risks associated with prolonged exposure to formalin. The tissues and
organs are permanently dried during plastination and can be used for further ana
tomical, histopathological and surgical educational purposes. This method involves
drying tissue and allowing synthetic materials like glycerin to permeate it. The study
compared non- plastinated and plastinated tissue post- plastination to determine if
structural alterations differed from those linked to plastination. The study examined
the histopathological examination of dogs' skin, muscles, liver, lung, and intestine
using formalin- fixed organs for paraffin embedding and previously plastinated organs
for a plastinated group. The study examined non- plastinated and plastinated tissues,
their histological composition and biometric parameters revealing typical structures
in the non- plastinated group. Plasmodiumted tissues exhibited a compacted appear
ance, volume changes, nuclear clarity, and cytoplasmic hypereosinophilia, with statis
tical differences between the two groups. The study reveals that plastinated tissues,
after 5 years of plastination, maintain their histological architecture well, with some
exceptions. Plastinated tissues can be utilized in future microscopic and immunologi
cal studies and will be beneficial for teaching and research |