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Dr. Mohamed Sewalim El-sayed Hamed :: Publications:

Extended Weibull Log-Logistic Distribution
Authors: Mohamed Sewalim Hamed
Year: 2019
Keywords: Truncated Poisson, moments, maximum likelihood estimation, function, generating function.
Journal: , Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications (JNSA)
Volume: 12
Issue: 3
Pages: 173-183
Publisher: ISR-Publications
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Mohamed Sewalim Elsayed Hamed_Poisson Burr X Weibull distribution.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The main goal of this paper is to introduce a continuous distributions based on the zero truncated Poisson which accommodates increasing, bathtub, decreasing, J-shaped, constant and unimodal shapes of monotone failure rates. A comprehensive account of some of its mathematical properties are provided. The new probability density function can be expressed as a linear combination of exponentiated Weibull densities. The method of the maximum likelihood is used to estimate the model parameters. Empirically, we proved the importance and flexibility of the new distribution in modeling two data sets.

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