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Dr. Mohamed Sewalim El-sayed Hamed :: Publications:

A New Regression Model for Transmuted Weibull with application
Authors: Mohamd S. Hamed, et al.
Year: 2024
Keywords: Weibull distribution, transmutation map, regression approach, survival analysis, and residual analysis.
Journal: International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS)
Volume: 9
Issue: 8
Pages: 776 -790
Publisher: Research and Scientific Innovation Society
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Mohamed Sewalim El-sayed Hamed_A New Regression Model for Transmuted Weibull with Application.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

In this research paper, a new regression model for the transmuted Weibull distribution was proposed, and the parameters of the new model were estimated by using the Maximum likelihood method, the different types of residuals were calculated for the new model, such as Cox and Snell Residual, Pearson Residuals, Deviance component Residual, and the martingale residual. The proposed model was applied to a set of real data representing bad debit rate, and the proposed model was also compared with some other models such as the Kumaraswamy Lindley regression model and the LG Weibull regression model.

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