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Dr. Mohammed Mohamoud Moussa Ibrahim :: Publications:

Effect of Generalized Uncertainty Principle on Main-Sequence Stars and White Dwarfs
Authors: Mohamed Moussa
Year: 2015
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Advances in High Energy Physics
Volume: Volume 2015 (2015)
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Mohammed Mohamoud Moussa Ibrahim_343284.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This paper addresses the effect of generalized uncertainty principle, emerged from different approaches of quantum gravity within Planck scale, on thermodynamic properties of photon, nonrelativistic ideal gases, and degenerate fermions. A modification in pressure, particle number, and energy density are calculated. Astrophysical objects such as main-sequence stars and white dwarfs are examined and discussed as an application. A modification in Lane-Emden equation due to a change in a polytropic relation caused by the presence of quantum gravity is investigated. The applicable range of quantum gravity parameters is estimated. The bounds in the perturbed parameters are relatively large but they may be considered reasonable values in the astrophysical regime.

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