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Dr. Mohammed Ahmed El Sayed Kassem :: Publications:

Voltammetric Analysis of Diaveridine at Electrochemically Pretreated Ultrafine Urethane Electrode
Authors: Mohammed A. Kassem; Moataz Morad; and M. I. Awad
Year: 2017
Keywords: Diaveridine HCl, Ultrafine Urethane Electrode, Cyclic Voltammetry, Electroanalysis, Square Wave Voltammetry, Activation Potential.
Journal: Current Physical Chemistry
Volume: 7
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Benthamscience
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

Background: The advanced veterinary medical care promotes improved health in animals and allows for enhanced efficiency in animal husbandry. Drugs are stored in tissue and can be ingested by humans, after being used in feeds and premixes to prevent various intestinal disorders. Objective: Diaveridine HCl (DVD), diaminopyimidine antimicrobial agent, has been electroanalyzed at electrochemically activated ultrafine urethane (UT) electrode using square wave voltammetry with well-known high sensitivity. Method: The optimum conditions for electrochemical activation of UT electrode have been explored. The effects of electrolyte pH and instrumental parameters on the electrochemical behavior of DVD are optimized. Results: At the optimum conditions, the rectilinear range for the DVD analysis was constructed and found to extend over the range 1.68-16.4 µM. Both relative standard deviation and confidence limit for six replicate measurements were calculated. Conclusion: The electrochemical pre-treatment of UT via cycling of electrode in the potential range -0.2-1.9 V was found to be the optimum; the maximum negative potential shift with the larger peak current was obtained at the modified electrode at the optimum pH (8.3)

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