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Dr. Mohammed Ahmed El Sayed Kassem :: Publications:

Sensor based on Copper Nanoparticles Modified Electrochemically Activated Glassy Carbon Electrode for Paracetamol Determination
Authors: 37- Mohammed A. Kassem, Mohamed I. Awad, Moataz Morad, B. A. Aljahdali, Rami Adel Pashameah, Hussain Alessa, G. I. Mohammed, Ali Sayqal
Year: 2022
Keywords: Copper nanoparticles; Oxidized glassy carbon; Paracetamol; Electrocatalysis; Analytical determination.
Journal: International Journal of ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE
Volume: 17
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 220441,
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

In this paper, copper was electrodeposited by means of cyclic voltammetric technique on the electro-activated glassy-carbon electrode (GCEA). Voltammetric techniques had been utilized for studying the electrochemical behavior of paracetamol (PAC) and its subsequent electroanalysis. CV results show that PAC redox behavior at the copper nanoparticles modified GCE (nano-Cu/GCEA) is largely enhanced. At nano-Cu/GCEA electrode, the redox behavior is diffusion controlled. SWV results show that, the modified electrode (nano-Cu/GCEA) is highly selective and sensitive to PAC quantification. Some likely interferents were addressed and selectivity was improved. The detection and quantification limits were calculated and found to be 0.35 and 1.05 μM, suggesting that the nano-Cu/GCEA can be utilized with high sensitivity and selectivity for the PAC determination. The suggested method successfully utilized for the estimation of PAC in some PAC pharmaceutical samples where it gave recoveries ranging between 97.5 and 108.2%.

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