Results of the two—year experiment at Nit-Ghamr, Dakah—
lia, showed that N had a significant effect on major yield
components. The highest head diameter. weight of seed per
head, weight of seeds per• plant were obtaln•d with 40
kg/fad. in both seasons. The 100-seed weight character
showed the highest increase with 20 kg/fad. shelling per
centage was not affected by rat, of N. The highest seed
yield/fad. was favored in both seasons with 40 kg N/fad.
However, straw and biological yields were the highest with
20 and 40 kg N/fad. in the first and the second season,
respectively. N affected oil percent adversely but had no
effect on oil acidity or saponification value. Protein con
tent of seeds was increased by increasing up to 40 kg/fad.
None of the characters included was affected by the applica—
tion treatment. Rate X application treatments was not sig
nificant for all traits and thus considered |